Thursday, 6 October 2011

Been a couple of months!

Heey whats up my Big Box Viewers!

It's time for another BIG BOX BLOGS! Brought to you by THE BIG BOX BLOGS! It's big ANND it's boxxy!

I have been a bit lacking with this whole blog dealio. Just basically because it has been a busy couple of months. Also the past couple of months have been up and down like a nun in a cucumber field! (sorry pete i really loved that quote.)

Remember that job i was worried i had but wasnt actually sure if i did have it. I did get the job but two months down line i had to quit. I really enjoyed the job and though it had alot of ups and down it was a great learning experience and being able to work in an enviroment as rushed and as busy as it was, i learnt alot and even though the chances of any of my work collegues at the time! Especially the two people who really helped me and made me feel at home there, i really wanna thank them! So Thank You!

As silly as this sounds I have gained alot of confidence, though i was only working in burger king, i had to be loud and had to be able to deal with things upfront so being shy and confined was no way to be! Confidence is deffinatly something i have learnt and gained and will keep with me now.

Also I have been writing alot of short stories, poems and some musical lyricals! Thats been going pretty well. 5 weeks ago i started college! It's alot of fun and im really enjoying that alot and the lessons are fantastic.

Not much has changed, im generally my funny sarcastic humourus amazing flamboyantly tom boyish self with a bright pink phone and a new hair style to match ahaha. It seems weird being back in college i mean it is all for the good and all but I'm missing my old friends and i am enjoying the addition of new ones and have my best friend there with me everyday! Yes Geraint thats you! =D

Being as this is my first blog in a while im not sure what to discuss with you but maybe i can release some yet to be shown photos that i quite love! Shall we check em out? And how about a music video of the week cause we havent done of them in quite some time?

Im gonna give you guys a treat! Two songs that i adore and if you were to crawl into my mind, these two songs are usually playing, with the addition of Shinedown, Blue October & Fact.

While i was randomly going through the internet i came across this little beaut! I loved it from the moment i heard it! I prefer this version to the original as this version is so much more softer and everything just works together, i suggest you listen to the end because the cello at the end is just pure pure magic! Really is a beautiful song, i suppose i have been keeping this a secret from you all as before i took my break from blogging i was listening to this full stop.

Annnnnd the second song!

This is very different to my usual rocky obscene self but its very catchy and a really good song. Ill be sat in Breeding and Development or Health or some other peculior, none related subject and have this going off in my head! I do love it, it's very sweet i think and it describes alot of how i feel. Enjoy

Next week i shall grant you with the power of ROCK!!!

Also Picture of thee week shall be this little beaut!
Mongoose awaay! its a bit blurry and unedited but im very proud of this stunner!

Im learning to love who i am, what i do and the pictures i take and even if that makes me a big headed cow! I shall embrace that and use it to my advantage.

Quite a boring blog really but hopefully next week I shall be into the swing of things again!
Have a nice week! Peace homeslices!

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