Thursday, 14 July 2011

Sleepless nights due to crickets -,-

So, hey boys, girls and the supernatural

i write this box blog at 06:03am. This i suppose is an appriopriate time for the average buisness man, or lady to wake up, have a shower, get dressed, brush teeth, make coffee and breakfast! Or whatever order people decide to do it in,

but I haven't slept...again and tbh i got a bit bored, i apologize about not getting a Box blog out in a few weeks. Been a little busy and a little stressed. I'm not sure if i disclosed in my last box blog that i got a Distinction star on my course, which is basically an A* so yay me! I also got a job at burger king, (i think, they gave me the induction, job and everything but they havent got back to me on uniform ahahaha) so i have to wait and see with that.

I also obtained a new kitty which was abandonded in the street, almost two weeks ago now. He hasn't grown much but he has grown in our hearts. So now we have Loki and this little kitten, the little kitten is less then 5 weeks old but it is a little champ! Couldn't meet a better kitten if you tried. I've also progressed on thoughs pictures and will put them up when i've actually slept a little

Oh, also because i like the sound of my own Box blog (gonna make an advert for that BOX BLOG: NOW WITH ADDED BOX EFFECTS!). I got the flu. The flu in the middle of july! Yep only i could do that and because of the flu im sleep deprived and hungry and i cant eat and because of that you guys get a big burger of complaints on this weeks Box Blog!!! ahaa

Because i haven't really been getting alot of sleep and been spending my nights awake look at the ceiling, i spent tonights sleepless night doing something i love. I decided i would start to write a story and so i have been doing so since infact 6pm yesterday til just now at 06:06am. I did attempt to sleep but it wasn't happening.

I say it's coming along pretty well, considering im sleep deprived and in need of coffee! DESPERATE NEED OF COFFEE!!!! Yeeeaah, maybe when it's some what finished and i've finally slept and i like the finished product ill share with you guys! Maybe though...maybe!

I have a nasty habit of writing things when im sleep deprived, i sleep, i go back and look over it and i hate it so i never look at it again. Which will probably happen with this one.
Im not gonna make this a long an strenuous blog because again i havent sleep since i got the flu and i'd like to curl up under a rock and sleep. Though i probably have, i understand if you've tuned out at this point! ahah

In a previous box blog i think i stated i loved living by the woods. I TAKE THAT BACK. I love humming of birds and the KAKAW of the crows but all night just one lousy cricket has been chirping all night for the past three nights and its really unfair! I really can cop being woken up by the sound of birds at 5 am on a saturday, but not being kept a wake by the cricket in my already fragile state. ahaha i kid i kid, but its pretty annoying.

Toodaloo folks,
i know i dont do spell checks as often as i should but i really can't be bothered! Forgive me just once!
Ill give you a picture if you forgive my horrific spelling just this once!
P.s I apologize for all the mention of sleep, i just really miss it!

Yep this is a cricket. He escaped from lavas cage when i was feeding them to her and i couldn't find him, a day later i found him climbing up the wall, took a picture and then chucked him out the back. No doubt in some kind of revenge its the came cricket who is keep me awake!.
and here is the lizard that wouldn't eat the thing which then caused it to jump out of my tweezers and dissapearing forever (well til the next day)! Thank you Lava, so very much.

She doesn't smile, she just poses! Lmao

Also heres a duck
Theres no duck!

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