So hey boys and girls!
So it's been a while! i think maybe a bit to long! How you all keeping? Well my lovelys im rather bored, lost for an inspiration, as we all are for time to time. I have a few things i just wanted to say, whether there related to the title or not these thoughts i have inspire me in a way!
Buuut first, I guess i should mention where ive been for the past couple of weeks
I could make a story up on how super awesome it has been! buuuuut it hasnt, to tell you the truth it has been quite bland!
Not in a bad way!! Never in a bad way!
You see, i always try to make the best of what ive got! Maybe sometimes it's not for the best but other times, making the most of every little thing, being excited by the slightest little thing, being able to find happiness and beauty in everything!
I believe every one and everything should always get a chance to shine!
I think being able to see the beauty, the intelliegence & the thoughts in what others may find horrific or may find boring or may not want to open there eyes to actually makes you a better person! Well thats what i think anyway, you dont have to listen to silly old me, it just my perspective on life.
but lately its all just been a little Bleeeeggggh & maybe thats why it has all been bleegh because of my perspective on the world.
Well i could make you up a little story right now!
On how i saved the world these past few weeks, and was bitten by a ten foot lizard named Lava that caused me to be able to save the world with fire, Ironcally that would fail cause im scared of fire and Lava is my bearded dragon so in retrospect that little story would fail quite fantastically!
well now getting back on to the point!
I once read that everything we do is insiginficent (yeah i see thats a fail i tried to spell it) but we have to do it or no one else will!
i often hear people say this and i think its silly when i first heard it i think it shed a light on how i feel and how i see things! From that line it inspired me t never think that way so i kept these thoughts in the back of my mind! though in my 18 years I've failed & cried & lost alot these two thoughts have always kept me trying and trying
Everything single little thing we do always has an impact. No matter what race, sexuality or religion every little thing we say, every little thing we do and every little thing we attempt will always be what leads us to success or will lead us to downfall, its all just about learning and trying!
i always said to myself i wanted to be the girl people remember, for my words i write, for the photos i take and for the education i want to bring! I never want & never will be just a shadow thats forgotten and swollowed by the world, & most importantly i want to be remembered as a happy person who did what she could for her family & friends
So because i want to be happy, one of my goals in life is to try to make people happy, i cant stand suffering or hurt or pain so being happy is what pulls me threw that! I will always try to make a person smile!
Now i have gone off the point juuuuust a little bit. I just wanted people to see how i feel about the world and life! I see so many things where people feel sorry for themselves so they give up and blame the world or they think they're nothing! In my mind we're all here for a reason, its to us to make our reasons a reality!
I gathered this is alot to take in and to me it all just sounds like a bunch of words thrown together so i decided to throw in a song im particulary fond of!
This song has a special spot in my heart, if you can understand the song then listen to the lyrics! if not then you should check them out! i feel this song quite relates to this post for numerous reasons but considering ive dragged this out enough ill let you find out why for yourself!
Byeee, Have a good week boys & girls!
(next box blog i will cut back on my on my explination marks hahaha.)
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