Wednesday, 15 June 2011

6 Hours

It's tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime for another BOX BLOG!!!!! (Taadaaah!)

Basically I HAVE SIX HOURS LEFT IN COLLEGE! you could say three days but considering i have two hours on friday, then another two next tuesday and another two next friday! SIX HOURS LEFT IN COLLEGE!

awwwh what a year it has been may i just add! Handled cockroaches & mice & Chicken & Pigs and other animals! Walked some donkeys, Wormed sheep! It has been quite eventful! But there have been some draw backs. People i dont like (well), People argue (and by argue I mean practically ripping eachother throats out with claws! We are very catty animal handlers). Tutor disputes! It has been quite a year and i have to say I am going to miss it.

Well in september i start a new course in the same college! a Level 3 Extended Diploma in animal managment! I am really looking forward to this! I am with my best friend for the next two years! Bus buddy and all (Yes Geraint im talking about YOU!) hahaha.  But then i am quite worried about it! I dont know why im talking about this cause i gotta wait to see my grades ahaha!

Oh BTW guys!

A in Bioleg
A in Animal Handling!

For thoughs who don't know i wanna be a zoologist! or well anything with a logist in it ahaha. I would love to be a zoo keeper! i want to work and help animals to be honest and im glad i have some idea what to do. This time last year i was clueless on what to do, in high school the career adivisors bearly helped, i mean i wanted to be a tattooist at the time and because she didnt agree she gave me child development courses and application forms for them (almost filled out). It would have been all fine and dandy but i am not a bit fan of children!

Hahaha well this isn't excatly interesting but i am really excited in september i start a course which will then enable me to university! It's just one step closer to my future ahaha.

Also i got a kitty! Her name is Loki!!!!! There will be a picture of her next week! As a matter of fact i think i will upload pictures of my other 5 cats & 5 dogs! (Yeeeaaah alot of animals but all within good reason!) aswell as some pictures of my bearded dragon and my ball pythons! hahaha.

I said overly positive didnt i? I warned you!

Well going back to last weeks post i just want to mention something physically that gives me inspiration. Well actually three things

Rain:- I love rain! I live in wales so there PLENTY of rain about. Rain relaxes me, it kinda gives me a renewed refreshement and intake of everything. I find that everything looks more mysterious in rain, especially at dusk! but it inspires me. Rain to me is like renewing the old! It adds a lightness and beauty you cant fake. Its as if everything that went wrong the day before has just been washed away, giving a chance to forget about yesturdays mistakes and think about tomorrows success!

Wood & winter:- Right, the reason these two are together is because i love the winter, but i live by plymouth woods (litterally theres my backgarden annnnnd theres the woods). The woods are stunning in spring, summer and autumn but in winter in an ironic way, it comes to life. I know that sounds silly but you can see everything, i love the twists of the trees and the tanglement of the branches and i love how winter almost gives the woods a romantic gothic horror feeling. I have lived here for 12 years and my fave time of the year has always been winter because i love how bare the woods are. I say come to life because you see the birds flying and jumping from branch to branch and the squirrels running and jumping collecting food and how the trees tangle and twirl! It gives me inspiration and i have to say when i write my stories or my songs i have always found my best work is in winter! I think if you are able to find a romantic but gothic beauty to it then your able to find the beauty in anything.

Hahaha sorry, off track just a little, but i felt that giving that big box blog about inspiration and my thoughts that help inspire me it would be good to name a few things that actually inspire me.

Well boys & girls, thats it!
(hope i cut back on my explaintation marks!)
New Box Blog & Pictures next week!


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