So heey folks. This is just a small Box Blog.
Though every time I say that or attempt to do a short one, it usually isn't and ends up about ten pages long! There's been a lot going on recently with my family in which I have been back and forward to the hospital alot so this hasn't left alot of time for Box Blogging.
But yes, being your ever so reliable Box Blogger, I am here to write you a Box Blog! Everybody say yay!
I am not really sure what to write because I have been lacking creativity!
My weeks haven't been too adventurous (they never are) but I have found myself being a bit more inventive with my writing (if that makes sense). The problems that are currently occurring in my life have triggered something in my brain so I am trying to write some perfect for her. I haven't told anyone that...Not even Geraint.
When I get bored, I do alot of researching and I often find the most peculiar things. I can't remember how long ago it was but I was casually youtubing (as you do) and I came along some fascinating things for example 10ft humans and I am not sure if anybody remembers them but some animals that washed up on a beach in America (one looked a bit like a human but had no hair and another like a dog or raccoon). If I haven't grossed you out by the end of this Box Blog I'll show you guys next week...Maybe
Looking up and finding and researching peculiar things, facts and animals really fascinates me and from just spending and hour searching through the internet, while doing my usual rounds on the internet, I started to really get into facts and old myths and deep sea creatures, even though I have always been an open minded person and I imagine that things people don't see as real, could actually be real. I get really passionate about it and even now, just writing this, I am finding some kind of flame to type to you guys about my two favourite deep sea creatures.
I get really fascinated by jellyfish and how things were discovered and how they survive, poor old Geraint, he has put up with some random facts coming from my mouth.
Some of them are just completely bizarre, some about sex, some about jelly fish and some about everything but he puts up with it! Like the true trooper he is, any you guys should look at these!
Meet the Frilled Shark
They're not rare but they are uncommon and even though they are spread out I think across the Atlantic and the Pacific (I am not to sure may have to check that up). There are only small patches in which they appear.
They are quite uncommon because of the depths they live at and because of its appearance and features it is classed as a 'living fossil' as appearance and feature wise, it is pretty primitive to today's sharks
Yeeeah! I remembered all of that off the top of my head...No need for Google or Wiki here folks.
Next up, this is the Barrel-eye fish
Right, lets just get a couple of things straight, see thoughs green things in it's head. Thoughs are it's eyes, they are barrel shaped (hence the name Barrel eye) the fake eyes you see on the outside of it's head are more or less nostrils. it's eyes can rotate up, to see potential predators and forward. The eyes also collect lots of light, making it suitable (yet unsuitable) for deep depths.
Interesting fact, if the fish swims to close to the surface (I can't remember the depths) then the fishes head will explode from the pressure.
See, I am pretty amazing! If only I put this much care, attention and detail into my coursework! I'd have A* by now!
I was going to put some random facts here but to be honest, I don't think I have the energy to do so today. Maybe next week, aye folks?
Right! Until next time,
Toodle loo
P.s when I said this was going to be a short one...I lied!
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